The first attempt of moving to a soldered breadboard was unsuccessful after repeated testing. Here are some of the methods IĀ used to troubleshoot the exact problem:
// neopixel timer control to take out delay referenced
// Arduino_LSM6DSOX simple accelerometer code used and edited
// used and edited fastLED library sample code (glitter and juggle functions from DemoReel100 sample code)
// used and edited adafruit neopixel library sample code
//include accel, neopixel, and fastLED libraries
#include <Arduino_LSM6DSOX.h>
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include "FastLED.h"
//neopixels initialization and parameter setting
#define DATA_PIN 13 //which digital pin is controlling the Neopixel strip
#define NUMPIXELS 33 //defining the number of pixels on the strip
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(NUMPIXELS, DATA_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); //initializing array of pixels for adafruit library
//fast LED neopixel setup
CRGB leds[NUMPIXELS]; //initializing array of pixels for fastLED library
#define LED_TYPE WS2811 //define type of Neopixel strip
#define COLOR_ORDER GRB //define the order of the color setting
uint8_t gHue = 0; // rotating "base color" used by many of the patterns in fastLED sample code
//event detection eyes
bool right; //boolean if the pupil is detected on the right side
bool left; //boolean if the pupil is detected on the left side
bool forward; //boolean if the pupil is detected on neither side
bool lastForward;
bool lastLeft;
bool lastRight;
//eye move counters
int moveCount; //track how many times the eye moves
int headMoveCount; //track how many times the head moves side to side
//time tracking for movement periods
long now;
long lastTimePeriod;
//head event detection
bool headDown; // result from reading z acceleration value of the 9dof to read tilt of the glasses
bool headRight;
bool headLeft;
bool lastHeadDown;
bool lastHeadRight;
bool lastHeadLeft;
float x, y, z; //variable to store acceleration read data
float initialForwardX; //read forward direction of Y when initialized and glasses put down
//event detection for animation start/stopping
bool focusedAnimation;
bool lastFocused;
bool distractedAnimation;
bool lastDistracted;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
pixels.begin(); // INITIALIZE NeoPixel pixels object
if (!IMU.begin()) { //check sensor reading from 9dof
Serial.println("Failed to initialize IMU!");
while (1)
//fastLED setup
void loop() {
now = millis(); //get current loop time
if (IMU.accelerationAvailable()) { //read acceleration
IMU.readAcceleration(x, y, z);
//adjust values for readability
x *= 100;
y *= 100;
z *= 100;
int rightSensorValue = analogRead(A1); // read the input on analog pin 0 for the right side
int leftSensorValue = analogRead(A0); // read the input on analog pin 1 for the left side
headDown = (z < 10); //read if the head/glasses is down or not (headDown true if z < 10), a 0 reading is straight ahead and 10 is slightly up, a wider range prevents accidentally turning device on and off during use
headRight = (x <= -20); //check if the head is tilted right
headLeft = (x > 20); //check is the head is tilted left
if (headDown) { //if the head is down (system is on)
right = (rightSensorValue >= 960); //evaluate if the right sensor is being looked at (higher value assosiated with less reflectance/darker colors (like the pupil of the eye))
left = (leftSensorValue >= 850); //evaluate if the left sensor is being looked at
//these values must be calibrated for the distance of the eye from the sensor (where placed in glasses)
forward = (right && left); //looking ahead (not registering left or right pupils)
//check and count if eyes have moved
if (forward != lastForward) {
moveCount += 1;
} else if (left != lastLeft) {
moveCount += 1;
} else if (right != lastRight) {
moveCount += 1;
//check and count head movements
if (headRight != lastHeadRight) {
headMoveCount += 1;
} else if (headLeft != lastHeadLeft) {
headMoveCount += 1;
if (headDown && !lastHeadDown) { //if the head is down and was just not down
initializing(); //intializing animation
focusedAnimation = false; //record that it is not currently focused
distractedAnimation = false; //record that it is not currently distracted
} else if (headMoveCount >= 10) { //head moving a lot side to side (count must be calibrated to time period to not accidentally trigger)
if (!lastDistracted) { //if distracted just started clear strip to prepare for the animation
distracted(); //distracted animation
focusedAnimation = false;
distractedAnimation = true;
} else if (moveCount >= 15) { //have the eyes moved more than 5 times in 5 seconds
thinking(); //thinking animation
focusedAnimation = false;
distractedAnimation = false;
} else {
focusedAnimation = true;
if (!lastFocused) {
if (now - lastTimePeriod >= 1000) {
focused(); //focused animation
Serial.println("now playing");
} else {
distractedAnimation = false;
if (now - lastTimePeriod >= 7000) { //are we still in the time period, if not we need to reset
moveCount = 0; //reset eye move count
headMoveCount = 0; //reset head move count
lastTimePeriod = now; //reset time marker
Serial.println("reset time");
} else { // turn off it head or glasses are up
for (int i = 0; i < NUMPIXELS; i++) { // For each pixel...
pixels.clear(); // Send the updated pixel colors to the hardware.;
focusedAnimation = false;
distractedAnimation = false;
//update event tracking variables
lastForward = forward;
lastLeft = left;
lastRight = right;
lastHeadDown = headDown;
lastHeadRight = headRight;
lastHeadLeft = headLeft;
lastFocused = focusedAnimation;
lastDistracted = distractedAnimation;
//progressively light up pixels from each ear to the center
void initializing() {
delay(200); // slight delay to give user time to take hands off of device if they are placing
pixels.clear(); //clear any lights left from last animation; //publish the cleared pixels
for (int position = 0; position <= 17; position++) { //loop through half the number of pixels
for (int i = 0; i <= position; i++) { //right side (according to wearer) adding one pixel each iteration of larger outside loop, note it is comparing the current pixel to the larger for loop positioning
pixels.setPixelColor(i, 100, 200, 255); //set pixel on to bluish/white color
for (int i = 33; i >= (33 - position); i--) { //loop through other side, starting at the end and adding one more pixel each time by comparing to position variable
pixels.setPixelColor(i, 100, 200, 255); //set pixel on to bluish/white color
}; //publish result (for both sides at the same time)
delay(50); //editable delay to change speed of animation
delay(1000); //delay to keep light lit for 1 second
lastTimePeriod = now; //restart time period
//juggled function from demoReel100 in fastLED example library
void thinking() { // eight colored dots, weaving in and out of sync with each other
uint8_t dothue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
leds[beatsin16(i + 7, 0, NUM_LEDS - 1)] |= CHSV(dothue, 200, 255);
dothue += 32;
}; //publish changes to strip
//adapted glitter function from demoReel100 in fastLED example library
void distracted() { //randomly turns pixels on and off
if (random8() < 10) { // 10/255 chance of occuring
leds[random16(NUM_LEDS)] += CRGB::White; //selects random pixel from within the pixel array and turns it on
if (random8() < 30) { // 30/255 chance of occuring
leds[random16(NUM_LEDS)] -= CRGB::White; //selects random pixel from within the pixel array and turns it off
}; //publish changes to neopixel strip
void focused() { //light up strip with bluish white light
for (int i = 0; i < pixels.numPixels(); i++) { //loop through all pixels in the strip
pixels.setPixelColor(i, 100, 200, 255); //sets current pixel within loop to bluish/white color
}; //publishes changes to strip (all at once not one pixel at a time)