This is about how our concept supports patrons in finding the best place for them based on their needs.
Library users care deeply about feeling safe and comfortable in their chosen spaces. One patron shared how finding a perfect spot to work was critical, as some library spaces made them feel exposed and vulnerable.

We found the value of making maps that were well placed and provided information that empowered users to find new spaces.
We found users felt most confident and had the best experience choosing a spot when using a 3D map, as it allowed them to visualize spaces without relying on a legend. Additionally, the map's tactile features enhanced accessibility for users with visual impairments.
The Live Map:
Red LED's on seating elements display which seats are occupied.
A color map beneath the screen displays current noise levels within each space.
This information contextualizes the environement so users can find better spaces for their needs.

Resource Discovery:
This is how our concept helps people find their interests and achieve their goals.
Many patrons stick to their routines, rarely exploring new resources. One administrator shared how a service for people starting small businesses went heavily underutilized, and how amazed people are when they find out it is available to them for free.
The current solution for libraries is a bunch of flyers that are overwhelming and ignored by patrons.

We found the value of making these new resources visually appealing and the effectiveness of using personalization to put the resources most relevant to our users at the forefront of their experience.
The Resource Board:
Patrons are guided toward the resource board. The screen uses a familiar virtual browsing experience with descriptive signifiers that prompt patrons to interact with the board. It initially displays a default gallery view and includes additional search filters patrons can use to customize their browsing experience.
When they tap their phone or card, the home screen converts o a personalized view, bringing forward resources more relevant to the patron's profile. Here, they can select an image to learn more information, with options to sign up or save it to their profile.

Community Connection:
We found that the library already provide opportunities for people to interact and grow communities.
Libraries offer opportunities for solo activities as well as collaborative classes and programs. We aim to help everyone find their place within the library.
We explored ways to encourage patrons to utilize these existing social programs and spaces in hopes of bringing people together through their shared interests, without pressuring patrons to socialize.